Setting out is done to locate the position of the structural parts as in the detailed drawing with geometrical construction. The setting out is done to locate pile position, pile cap, column position, beam bottoms and slab boundary in the site. Setting out is done with the reference to grid lines. When the grid lines are given in the drawing, setting out are done with reference to these grid lines using any type of technique means Suring angles or distances. In the absence of any kind of grid lines detail first the location is at the site.
Considering other requirements of usage and setting out is done with reference to any base line or permanent structure. In site the base line has marked in the side of the Moors road and all grid lines are marked on around of the boundary wall.The accuracy of setting out is depending on the usage and for which the structure is used. The method of setting out is depend considering the accuracy required and the measuring instruments availability, there are two types of measuring instruments one is measuring angles and other is by length the whole setting out work is done either by measuring angles or by measuring lengths or by measuring both.
Setting out of a pile position and foundation is very important and the accuracy of the whole structure is depending on it. Setting out was started from ground floor and continued to the other floors. If error is not allowable setting out has to be done again.